Thursday, August 13, 2015

Good Luck My Beautiful Fox!

    I have never put too much thought on the act of writing. I never thought of myself as a "good writer" either, I did however, write my feelings down every time I felt overwhelmed. Those days when no one seems to understand, and quite frankly you feel like explaining your feelings or why despite nothing being wrong with your life, every little thing feels so damn shitty.  

    I realized a while ago that writing was a form of therapy for me. Not exact material for external viewers or instruments of social acceptance. I never thought I was clever enough to put relevant information on a piece of paper. Information that somehow could make peoples lives a bit better. I just used writing for my own sake, for my own selfish reasons, to escape reality or to expel those unwelcome emotions from within. 

     As I mentioned in my first post, I feel a lot of feelings (WTF does that mean girl?) It kinda means I have my own universe inside my head and that I am highly sensitive, and also means I deal with a lot of emotions all the time, it's exhausting really. With that being said, writing offered me a voice, a channel to let my ideas fly without consent or judgement. A space for self exposure and venting. Most of the time what I write makes no sense, but once I am done it feels damn good. 

     The idea of writing this blog has been in my head for a very long time, but because I was always so self conscious about being judged and about people's opinions, I could never really bring myself to do it, until today.
 I said fuck it. Let's do this, nothing romantic really, just one of those moments you gather enough courage to do something new.

  People may judge me, but so what? People may not even read this blog like EVER. So really I am just let the dogs out hahaha. Ok bad joke, sorry. 
I guess what I am trying to say is, I am taking a huge step by putting a little bit of myself out here and so should you. I don't mean to 'should' on people but if there is something that you've been meaning to do for a while but don't because you fear you might be horrible at it or even worse, be judged by some fuckhead, just do it.

 Honestly my friend, what's the worse it can happen? 
Right, absolutely nothing. Your loved ones will still live, you will still have a house at the day, hopefully. Try, just try it. People judge that's what they do, and I bet you you might be getting judged anyways. The most it can happen is that you may find other parts of yourself that have been hiding in order for you to "fit in".
Be your awesome self and fuck everything else.
There there, I feel much better now.
Surprise me my awesome virtual friend. Put yourself out there and try that thing that scares the shit out of you but you secretly can't wait to try.

Good luck my beautiful fox!

Welcome to my mess!

      You must be asking yourself, " Is this about cheese?" 

       No. It isn't, at least not most of the time. I like cheese. I needed at tittle, so there.
Clever eh? I know I am not. I can be, really, just that I usually am the most clever when no one is watching. I am lame like that. Yeah I know....  now enough about self shaming gurlll. 

     So here it is, 
I started this blog because I enjoy writing ( I am not necessarily good at it but... just bare with me), I am mildly bored and currently going through my 20's. Ok, ok late 20's to be more exact. 

     I seem to have a lot to say about a wide range of irrelevant things, I also feel lots of feelings and I seem to have a lot of time on my hands. Is not that I have time really, it's mostly that I am avoiding to deal with the "grownup"world out there, and what  better way to do that then to cry about it on a silly blog? I know right? I AM A GENIUS! Rumbling about my 20 something crises with other crises's pals out there isn't depressing at all. 
Nope, not at all.

      So you ask me, " Who are you Sabbi?" " Other than a lame & depressing basic bitch?" 
Well, well smart pants... calm your titties down. 
Sabbi is many things maaa friends! Definitely lame some of the time. Quite a dramatic child and yeah I can be basic too. I mean, It's not my fault that caramel macchiatos are so damn delicious and that Urban outfitters possess the best college student/ hot fox trying to look like I am still young but not too young kind of outfits, ok? Not my fault. 

      I have worked in the restaurant/bar business for a scary long time, (after all, those basic bitches items aren't gonna buy themselves will they?), so it's safe to say that my communication skills relies heavily on sarcasm and swearing, if that is not your thing now should be a good time to gtfo. 

      I am also in University and I love books. 
I just happen to never finish them. I gotta work on that I know.
I am a Capricorn Gal, with a big taste in fashion, an INFP (think - no shoes, flowers in the hair & big dreams), an aspirant artist, crazy dog lady and an incorrigible romantic.

     What else? I am a pinterest junkie, I love late nights, deep conversations, Billie Holiday, champagne, warm socks & cheese. Lot's of cheese ;)

      You still here? 

If you are, nice to meet you
& come in, it's kind of messy here but I promise it's not all that bad.